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Maria Vilenchik, Ph.D


Dr. Maria Vilenchik formed Felicitex Therapeutics in 2012. Prior to that Dr. Vilenchik led Drug Discovery programs at Hoffman-La Roche and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. She authored 20 publications in peer reviewed journals and 8 patents. Maria received M.S. in Biophysics from Brandeis University and Ph.D. degree in Pharmacology from Columbia University.
Maria Vilenchik led Drug Discovery programs at Hoffman-La Roche and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Dr. Vilenchik authored 20 publications in peer reviewed journals and 8 patents. In 2012 Dr. Vilenchik formed Felicitex Therapeutics, Inc. focusing on the development of novel oncology treatments targeting dormant cancers. Maria received M.S. in Biophysics from Brandeis University and Ph.D. in Pharmacology from Columbia University.


I'm always looking for new and exciting collaborations. Let's connect.


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